2012年11月14日 星期三


Reader's Digest

O A logger, fresh from the big woods, was watching a shop assistant open a package of gaily colored men's pyjamas.
"What's them?" he asked.
"Pyjamas," echoed the logger. "What's are they for?"
"Why, you wear them nights," the shop assistant explained. "Want to buy a pair?"
"Nothing doing," said the logger, "I don't go anywhere nights except to bed."    (RD2014, Jan., p.107)

O One of my co-workers where I used to work was in the reserve forces, and when he was deployed abroad, the boss placed this sticky note on his door: Stepped out. Back in 12 months.      (RD2014, Jan., p.87) 

O My neighbor, a police officer, pulled someone over for texting while driving. The driver was having none of it. 
"I was not texting!" she insisted indignantly. "I was on Facebook."      (RD2014, Jan., p.87)

O To register her child for our school, a mother filled out a number of forms. For the question "Language spoken at home?" she'd answered: "Generally good language, unless I get mad."        (RD2014, Jan., p.87)

O I don't think cops should wear mirrored sunglasses. The whole time that the guy was chewing me out, all I could think was, I should really cut my hair.     Bonnie McFariane     (RD2014, Jan., p.49)

O Whenever I see a man with a beard, a moustache and glasses, I think, Now there is a man who has taken every precaution to avoid people doodling on photographs of him.    Carey Marx     (RD2014, Jan., p.49)

O Never trust a mathematician with a graph. They are plotting something.    (RD2014, Jan., p.49)

O Our employer installed a suggestion box in hope of easing the tension she feared might follow workflow changes. The staff's ability to keep the atmosphere light, however, was exemplified by the first suggestion.
Stuffed partway through the box's small slot was this advice: "Make this hole bigger."     (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.83)

O While making a routine report on vandalism at a local primary school, I was interrupted by a little girl about six years old. Looking up and down at my uniform, she asked, "Are you a policeman?"
"Yes," I answered, and continued writing the report.
"My mother said if I ever needed help I should ask a policeman. Is that right?"
"Yes, that's right," I told her.
"Well, then," she said as she extended her foot towards me, "would you please tie my shoe?"       (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.83)

O A top executive asked the factory engineer to submit a cost estimate for modifications to eliminate the heavy density of tobacco smoke that prevailed during meetings in a conference room.
The young engineer assigned to the project submitted the following recommendations and estimates: Install larger exhaust fan and increase capacity of the heating and air-conditioning system and associated ductwork. Estimated cost: $2600.
Alternative plan: Install "No smoking" sign. Estimated cost: $3.      (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.82)

O The general was inspecting a military base's mess facilities. Approaching one young recruit, he enquired, "How's the food here, lad?"
"We fight over it all the time, sir," was the response.
Beaming, the general asked, "That good, eh?"
"Not exactly, sir," the private replied. "The loser has to eat it!"      (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.83)

O A plumber I know tells me that he never makes appointments for Mondays.
"That's the day," he explains, "when we have to clean up after all the weekend do-it-yourselfers."  
Bob Talbert      (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.82)

O One day I went to a lawyer friend for advice. "I'm in real trouble," I said, "My neighbors across the road are going on holiday for a month and instead of boarding their two dogs they are going to keep them locked up and a woman is coming to  feed them - if she doesn't forget it - and meanwhile they'll be lonely and bark all day and howl all night, and I won't be able to sleep and I'll be a nervous wreck, and I'll either have to call SPCA to haul them away or I'll go berserk and go over there and shoot them, and then when my neighbors return they'll go berserk and come over and shoot me..."
My lawyer patted back a delicate yawn. "Let me tell you a story," he said. "And don't stop me if you've heard it - because it will do you good to hear it again.
"A fellow was speeding down a country road late at night and Bang! goes a tyre. He got out and looked and, drat it - he had no jack!
Then he said to himself, 'Well, I'll just walk to the nearest farmhouse and borrow a jack!' He saw a light in the distance and said, 'Well, I'm in luck; the farmer's up. I'll just knock on the door and say I'm in trouble, would you please lend me a jack?' And he'll say, 'Why sure, neighbor, help yourself - but bring it back.'
"He walked on a little farther and the light went out, so he said to himself, 'Now he's gone to bed and he'll be annoyed because I'm bothering him - so he'll probably want some money for his jack. And I'll say, all right, it isn't very neighborly - but I'll give you a quarter. And he'll say, do you think you can get me out of bed in the middle of the night and then offer me a quarter? Give me a dollar or get yourself a jack somewhere else.'
"By this time the fellow had worked up to a lather. He turned into the gate and muttered, 'A dollar! All right, I'll give you a dollar. But not a cent more! ... A poor devil has an accident in the middle of the night and all he needs is a jack. You probably won't let me have one no matter what I give you. That's the kind of guy you are.'
"Which brought him to the door and he knocked - loudly, angrily. The farmer stuck his head out the window above and hollered, 'Who's there? What do you want?' The fellow stopped pounding on the door and yelled up: 'You and your damn jack! You know what you can do with it!'"
「此時,這個傢伙已經滿身大汗;他踏入圍籬門時嘴裡嘀咕著:『哼!一塊錢!好吧,給你一塊錢,但我不會多給一分錢!... 一個倒楣鬼在三更半夜出了小意外,只想借個千斤頂罷了;而你可能會獅子大開口,無論我給你多少你都不借--你就是這種小人。』
When I stopped laughing, I started thinking, and I said, "Is that what I've been doing?"
"Right," he said, "and you'd be surprised how many people come to a lawyer for advice and, instead of calmly stating the facts, start building up a big imaginary fight - what he'll say to his partner, what she'll say to her husband, or how they'll tell the Old Man off about his will. So I tell them the story about the jack and they cool off.
他說「正是。說來你可能不信,許多人來找律師時,並不是心平氣和地陳述事實,而是不斷地累積怒氣,一付要打架的樣子--例如:他要如何對付合夥人啦,她要如何反嗆她老公啦,或者他要如何跟老爸講清楚有關遺囑的事啦。這個時候我就會講這個千斤頂的故事給他們聽;他們聽完之後都會冷靜下來。」   (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.68)

O One day in 1965, when I was a librarian at View Ridge School in Seattle, a fourth grade teacher approached me. She had a student who finished his work before all the others and needed a challenge. "Could he help in the library?" she asked. I said, "Send him along."
Soon a slight, sandy-haired boy in jeans and a T-shirt appeared. "Do you have a job for me?" he asked.
I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books. He picked up the idea immediately. Then I showed him a stack of cards for long-overdue books that I was beginning to think had actually been returned but were mis-shelved with the wrong cards in them. He said, "Is it kind of a detective job?" I answered yes, and he became an unrelenting sleuth.
He had found three books with wrong cards by the time his teacher opened the door and announced, "Time for recess!" He argued for finishing the job; she made the case for fresh air. She won.
The next morning, he arrived early. "I want to finish finding those books," he said. At the end of the day, when he asked to be a librarian on a regular basis, it was easy to say yes. He worked untiringly.
After a few weeks I found a note on my desk, inviting me to dinner at the boy's home. At the end of a pleasant evening, his mother announced that the family would be moving to the adjoining school district. Her son's first concern, she said, was leaving the View Ridge library. "Who will find the lost books?" he asked.
When the time came, I said a reluctant goodbye. Though initially he had seemed an ordinary kid, his zeal had set him apart.
I missed him, but not for long. A few days later he popped in the door and joyfully announced, "The librarian over there doesn't let boys work in the library. My mother got me transferred back to View Ridge. My dad will drop me off on his way to work. And if he can't, I'll walk!"
I should have had an inkling such focused determination would take that young man wherever he wanted to go. What I could not have guessed, however, was that he would become a wizard of the Information Age: Bill Gates, tycoon of Microsoft and America's richest man.
(RD2013, Classic Reads, p.72)

O The glamorous star of a new musical smash, anticipating a long run, leased an elegant apartment which she proceeded to redecorate lavishly. To give the painter added incentive the star graciously slipped him a pair of practically unobtainable seats in the third row center.
The first of the month the leading lady was aghast at this item on her bill from the painter: "Four hours overtime watching customer sing and dance - 4."      (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.49)
第二個月初當她收到油漆工的帳單時,簡直不敢置信,上面有一項:「加班四小時,去看客戶唱唱跳跳 - 收費4英鎊。

O In reviewing the academic record of one of his students so that he could write her a reference, the teacher noticed that, while gaining many good marks, she had failed a physical education course.
"How did you manage to fail in archery?" he asked. She looked sheepish and replied, "I shot the teacher."       (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.49)

O When an elderly man collapsed, he was revived by rescue breathing - the new method of mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. He was taken to a hospital, where he collapsed again.
Semiconscious, he heard the doctor point out to the two nurses with him that now was the time for them to learn rescue-breathing technique.
At this, the patient raised a shaky finger and pointed to one of the nurses - a short blonde. "Teach her first!" he whispered.     (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.49)

O In the public library a new member questioned the pretty librarian. "Do you mean to say that I may take out any book I want?"
"Yes," she answered.
"And may I take out record albums too?"
"Yes, you may."
"May I take you out?" he asked.
Drawing herself up to her full hight, she replied, "The librarians, sir, are for reference only."     (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.49)

O The doctor finished the examination and was ready to give his advice:
"Quit smoking and drinking, go to bed early every night and get up at the crack of dawn," he said. "That's the best thing for you."
"Frankly, Doc," the patient answered, "I don't deserve the best. What's second best?"     (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.48)

O A writer had promised a producer a new play, but when a full year went by without further word the producer waxed impatient and called the writer on the telephone. "Where's the play?" he demanded. "I want to get my cast assembled."
"It's coming along," the man assured him vaguely.
"Just how much have you written?" demanded the producer.
"Well," said the writer, "you know it's to be in three acts and two intermissions. I've finished the intermissions."     (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.48)

O "When I was a boy," reminisced the famous lawyer, "my highest ambition was to be a pirate."
"That so?" said his client. "Congratulations."      (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.48)

O Fishy joke
A man walks into a seafood shop carrying a trout under his arm.
"Do you make fish cakes?" he asks.
"Yes, we do," replies the fishmonger.
"Great," says the man. "It's his birthday."      Rob Fee     (RD2013, Dec, p.51)

O The ayes have it
After a check-up, a doctor asked his patient, "Is  there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
"Well," said the patient, "I was thinking about getting a vasectomy."
"That's a big decision. Have you talked it over with your family?"
"Yes, we took a vote...and they are in favor of it 15 to 2."      (RD2013, Dec, p.50)

O Today's top story
A scientist says, "My findings are pointless when taken out of context."
Media: "Scientist claims 'findings are pointless'."       (RD2013, Dec, p.51)

O Puns ahoy
My comment on the suggested plans to build a full-sized replica of the Titanic: "It's unthinkable."    Anthony King    (RD2013, Dec, p.50)

O Boxing day
I think I figured out why I gained so much weight this year. We moved into a house a year ago, and I just realized there's one more box to unpack. A year later! No wonder someone that lazy is putting on weight. Also, the box is labelled "Lloyd's sports equipment".      Lloyd Ravn     (RD2013, Dec, p.51)

O Three Frugal Men
The Three Wise Men sound very generous, but what you've got  to remember is that those gifts were joint Christmas and birthday presents.    Jimmy Carr      (RD2013, Dec, p.51)

O You may scoff    By Emma Young from New Scientist
Forget dieting. Shedding a few kilograms could be as easy as having a lie-in, turning down the lights and chomping on chicken.
你可以盡量吃    (摘自<新科學家雜誌>)

The holidays are a time of excess. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we diet. Or perhaps not. Unfortunately, we don't all have the self-discipline and determination it takes to cut back on cake and hit the gym. But fear not. There could be other ways to shift the fat and stay trim.
假日通常是放縱的日子,有人為了隔天的節食而大吃大喝,大大享樂一番(也許有人不是因為節食的緣故)。 只可惜我們人的自制和決心都不足以拒絕甜點的誘惑,以及經常上健身房運動。不過別擔心;也許有其他方法可以甩掉肥肉,保持苗條。

Have a lie-in
If you need an excuse for spending more time in bed during the holidays, this could be it: too little sleep can make you fat. Sleep deprivation reduces the secretion of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite, and increases levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. Or it could be as simple as less sleep means more time to eat. Either way, an extra hour in bed sure beats going to the gym.

Turning down the lights
Light at night might alter circadian clock genes, changing an individual's metabolism. It's difficult to specify an appropriate light cycle for everyone because people have very different schedules. But it is recommended that keeping a consistent pattern throughout the week and, if possible, avoiding blue wavelengths of light at night. Produced by many LED bulbs, these are known to be especially disruptive to the circadian system.

Eat protein
High-protein diets may be one food fad with some substance. First there was Atkins. Now it's the Dukan diet. "There has been no scientific work on its long-term success but, based on its composition, we predict it will be effective," says a researcher at the University of Sydney. Other medical research indicates that protein keeps you fuller for longer. A diet high in protein allowed most people to eat until they were full without gaining weight. More turkey anyone?
高蛋白飲食可能是一種時尚,但也不無道理。以前有Atkins減肥法,現在則流行Dukan減肥法。雪梨大學的研究人員說:「到目前為止,沒有科學上的研究證明這種減肥法長期有效;但從內容看起來,我們預測它一定有效。」另外有醫學上的研究指出,蛋白質食物可以讓人保持較久的飽足感。高蛋白質飲食可以讓大多數人吃到飽而不會變胖。怎麼樣?有人要再吃一塊火雞肉嗎?   (RD2013, Dec. p.44)

O Define lines
Flirtation: moonlight and ruses.
Toupee: a breadth of fresh hair.
Sore throat: hoarse and buggy.
 (RD2013, Dec. p.65)

【譯註】A breadth of fresh hair聽起來很像a breath of fresh air(吸一口新鮮空氣)。

【譯註】Hoarse and buggy聽起來很像horse and buggy(馬和馬車)。

O Decorative wear
I've always wanted a beautiful shawl to wear with my dresses. So when I opened the Christmas present from my sister Wanda and saw that it was a white-and-silver shawl, I squealed in delight.
"I love it!" I told Wanda that night. "I wore it all evening."
"You wore it?" she replied, smiling. "It's a skirt for the Christmas tree."        (RD2013, Dec. p.89)

O Fear is often disguised as moral outrage.     Judy Blume       (RD2013, Dec. p.97)
O "I love getting older. What you lose in looks, you gain in wisdom."    Delvene Delaney     (RD2013, Dec. p.97)
O It's a wonderful metaphor, catching a wave, for how you can look at other challenges in your life.      Jeff Bridges      (RD2013, Dec. p.97)

O Confessions of a pesky mosquito
We love when you work up a sweat. You think we are drawn by the aroma of your "sweet blood", but it's really the carbon dioxide (CO2) you exhale that makes us beeline toward you. The harder you breath, the more CO2 you emit, so you're especially attractive after a jog.

Love beer? So do some of us. It's crazy, but we can tell when you've been drinking because your skin chemistry changes, and it lures us in.

Hate getting bitten? Blame the ladies. Here's a secret: male mosquitos do not eat human blood - they get their nutrition from plant nectar. Females need your blood to help our eggs develop. After we have a blood meal, we can lay up to 400 eggs.

Pregnant? Yum. If you're a woman who's expecting, you emit more CO2 and your abdomen has a slightly higher temperature than when you're not pregnant, drawing some of us right to you. Sorry, baby.  
Smelly feet are delicious. In fact, scientists have shown that we find your stinky socks particularly alluring (but our favorite body part is your hand).
To evade us at a party, don't be a wallflower. When we smell a huge mass of CO2, we fly toward it; after we get there, it's easier to attack the people lingering on the fringe than those in the center. 
  (RD2013, Dec. p.19)

O Mosquitos fly at a speed of 1.5 to 2.5 km/h.        Source: mosquito.org    (RD2013, Nov. p.96)

O How to talk to someone with hearing loss
People who have hearing loss may struggle with a surprising side effect: less satisfying relationships, says Katherine Bouton, author of Shouting Won't Help. Clinically deaf, she taught friends and family how to help.

Don't: Shout
Speak in a normal voice and articulate as clearly as possible; yelling doesn't help a person with hearing loss hear you any better. The exception: if your voice is particularly quiet, you should speak louder.

Don't: Lean in to the ear
Almost all people with hearing loss read lips. Don't speak directly into their ear because the person won't be able to see your lips.

Don't: Forget to eliminate white noise
Most people with hearing loss have a hard time distinguishing speech over a noisy air conditioner, a humming fish tank, or anything that whirs, murmurs or rumbles. Don't try to chat over the TV.

Don't: All talk at once
At a dinner party or meeting, where there may be eight to ten people present, try to have one general conversation instead of several overlapping ones.

Don't: Say "Never mind, it doesn't matter"
If someone doesn't hear what you've said after you've restated it two or three times, don't give up. Rephrase and retry. To the person who can't hear you, everything matters.     (RD2013, Dec, p.17)

