2012年11月14日 星期三


O Study after study has documented that when women have the opportunity to start business, own land, and receive credit ... entire economies expand.    Hillary Clinton    (RD2014, March., p.97)
O Gym flunkie
Joining the gym is amazing - such an invigorating way to start the day! Waking up at 7 am and deciding not to go is such a great feeling.    Nat Luurtsema     (RD2014, March., p.53)
O Back to the drawing board
I've just finished my new time machine. Still got a few teething problems, though. So far I can only go forwards in time, and only very slowly.    (RD2014, March., p.52)
O Internet security
My wife was checking her emails and told me that her password was  "mickeyminniebatmanrobintomjerryLondon". I asked her why it needed to be so long.
"Because," she replied, "I was told it had to have at least six characters and one capital."     (RD2014, March., p.53)
我太太在查看電子郵件時告訴我說,她設定的密碼是「米奇 米妮 蝙蝠俠 羅賓 湯姆 傑利 倫敦」。我問她為甚麼要用這麼長的密碼。她回答說:「因為電腦要求說必須至少用六個人物(characters)及一個首都(capital)啊。」
O Post posture
I got a letter in the post the other day. It said, "Do not bend."
So I thought, How am I supposed to pick it up?    Lee Mack    (RD2014, March., p.53)
O Smart shopper
A man approaches a very beautiful woman in a large supermarket and says, "I've lost my wife in the aisles. Would you mind talking to me for a couple of minutes?"
"Why?" the woman replies.
"Because every time I speak to a pretty lady, my wife appears out of nowhere."    (RD2014, March., p.52)


Reader's Digest

O A logger, fresh from the big woods, was watching a shop assistant open a package of gaily colored men's pyjamas.
"What's them?" he asked.
"Pyjamas," echoed the logger. "What's are they for?"
"Why, you wear them nights," the shop assistant explained. "Want to buy a pair?"
"Nothing doing," said the logger, "I don't go anywhere nights except to bed."    (RD2014, Jan., p.107)

O One of my co-workers where I used to work was in the reserve forces, and when he was deployed abroad, the boss placed this sticky note on his door: Stepped out. Back in 12 months.      (RD2014, Jan., p.87) 

O My neighbor, a police officer, pulled someone over for texting while driving. The driver was having none of it. 
"I was not texting!" she insisted indignantly. "I was on Facebook."      (RD2014, Jan., p.87)

O To register her child for our school, a mother filled out a number of forms. For the question "Language spoken at home?" she'd answered: "Generally good language, unless I get mad."        (RD2014, Jan., p.87)

O I don't think cops should wear mirrored sunglasses. The whole time that the guy was chewing me out, all I could think was, I should really cut my hair.     Bonnie McFariane     (RD2014, Jan., p.49)

O Whenever I see a man with a beard, a moustache and glasses, I think, Now there is a man who has taken every precaution to avoid people doodling on photographs of him.    Carey Marx     (RD2014, Jan., p.49)

O Never trust a mathematician with a graph. They are plotting something.    (RD2014, Jan., p.49)

O Our employer installed a suggestion box in hope of easing the tension she feared might follow workflow changes. The staff's ability to keep the atmosphere light, however, was exemplified by the first suggestion.
Stuffed partway through the box's small slot was this advice: "Make this hole bigger."     (RD2013, Classic Reads, p.83)