2012年9月21日 星期五


Reader's Digest



   Make a Wish
I work at a photo/electronics business, and very occasionally – usually around Christmas – customers will bring in their old film projectors for attention. One day the intercom buzzed in my workshop and a voice said, “Harry, will you come down to the shop? There’s a lad in about a lamp.”    (RD2013, April, p.58)


[]:其實我聽錯了,不是甚麼阿拉丁(Aladdin)神燈,而是有個男孩來店(a lad in)要換投影機的燈泡。    (RD2013, 四月號, 58)

   Naughty Men
Some workmen were fixing potholes on our street recently, which prompted my three-year-old to come running into the kitchen. “Mum! Can I go and watch the men digging a hole in the road?” he asked.
A little worried about the traffic, I began to form a “no” when he forestalled me by adding, “It’s OK, Mum – they’re not naughty men!”
Swiftly changing tack, I asked, “How do we know they’re not naughty men?”
His triumphant response: “Because I’ve already been and asked them.”    (RD2013, April, p.58)

他很得意地回答:「因為我已經去問過他們了。」    (RD2013, 四月號, 58)

   Peek Behind the Curtain
When you do Shakespeare, they think you must be intelligent because they think you understand what you’re saying.   Actress Helen Mirren  (RD2013, April, p.58)

當你在演莎士比亞戲劇的時候,人們會以為你很有學問;因為他們以為你懂得你說的每一句話。    英國名女演員海倫.米蘭    (RD2013, 四月號, 58)


   Short & Sweet
While taking my grandkids for a drive, one asked, “Nana, are you going to grow any taller?” To which I replied, “No. As you get older you actually grow shorter. You shrink a little.”
“Wow, Nana!” she shrieked. “When you become a Barbie Doll, can I have you?”    (RD2013, April, p.68)

她聽了很興奮地叫道:「奶奶,妳變成芭比娃娃之後,可以不可以當我的玩具?」    (RD2013, 四月號, 68)

   Cruelty 101
The topic for my third-grade class was genetics. Smiling broadly, I pointed to my dimples and asked, “What trait do you think I passed on to my children?” After a pause, one student called out, “Wrinkles?”    (RD2013, Feb., p.80)

在我教的小學三年級班上,講到遺傳學的時候,我特別裝出一個大笑臉,然後指著臉上的酒窩問道:「你們認為我哪個特徵會遺傳給我的子女?」一陣靜默之後,有個學生大聲說:「是皺紋嗎?」    (20132月號,第80)

   Out to Lunch
All joking aside, if you’ve never photocopied you sandwiches just to see if you can get the “jam[] in paper tray” message to appear, you’re taking your job way too seriously.    (RD2013, Feb., p.80)

你上班的時候可能會開一些玩笑;但如果你不曾把你的三明治(午餐)放進影印機影印,為的是看看是否會出現「紙匣裡有夾紙」[]的訊號,那你就太無趣了。    (20132月號,第80)
[]英文jam這個字可以指影印機「夾紙」,也可以指(塗三明治的)果醬。因此jam in paper tray除了指「紙匣裡有夾紙」之外,也有「紙盤裡有果醬」的意思。

   Victory vs. Failure
If I don’t ask “Why me?” after my victories, I cannot ask “Why me?” after my setbacks and disasters.    (RD2013, Feb., p.79)

如果一個人在成功之後,不曉得問:「為什麼是我?」,那麼在他遇到挫敗或劫難時,就沒資格問:「為什麼是我?」    (20132月號,第79)

   A Problem Shared
Your company’s IT department can be your best friend. Don’t muck it up with silly requests like these actual help-desk calls:
˙ “How do I remove a sesame seed from my keyboard?”
˙ “Can you come over and plug in this cord for me?”
˙ “I dropped my phone in the toilet. What should I do?”
˙ “How do I pirate software?”
˙ “My car’s cup holder is broken. Can you fix it?”
˙ “I’d like to download the entire internet so I can take it with me.”
(RD2013, Feb., p.81)

˙「我想下載整個網路,以便隨身攜帶。」    (20132月號,第81)


After perusing this menu in a Xi’an, China, restaurant, we’ll stick with the cheeseburger.
Fans Miscellaneous Bacteria Pot, 32
Flame new-found Shrimp,  108
Sizzling XO sauce explosion head,  42    (RD2013, Feb., p.51)
「粉絲什錦細菌鍋」(原名:粉絲雜菌煲)  32元人民幣
「火燒迷糊蝦」(原名:火焰醉翁蝦)  108元人民幣
「嘶嘶XO醬爆炸頭」(原名:鐵板XO醬爆魚頭)  42元人民幣    (20132月號,第51)

   Nearly Departed
The local parking inspector died. At his funeral some days later, just as the priest was delivering a service in honor of the man in the presence of family and friends, a loud shouting and banging could be heard emanating from the coffin: “Stop, stop, let me out! I’m not dead!” there was a brief, confused pause. Finally, the silence was broken: “I’m sorry, sir,” said the priest. “I’ve already started the paperwork.”    (RD2013, Feb., p.51)
鎮上的停車費稽查員去逝了。幾天之後在他的葬禮上,當牧師在親朋好友面前舉行追悼儀式時,突然從棺材裡發出很大的敲擊聲和叫喊聲:「等一下!讓我出去!我還沒死啊!」眾人面面相覷,驚訝得說不出話來。終於,牧師打破沉默說:「對不起,先生!(繳費)單子已經開始寫了。」    (20132月號,第51)


   Computers are Useless
I don’t shop online, because I don’t own a computer. My belief is they haven’t completed inventing computers yet. Why? Because they don’t work. If they worked, not every business in the world would have a department to fix them. They don’t have a department to fix pencils.    (RD2013, Feb., p.55)
我從不在線上購物,因為我沒有電腦。我認為電腦的發明尚未達到完美的地步;這話怎麼說呢?電腦根本沒用;如果有用的話,為甚麼世界上還有修理電腦這一行業?你說,世界上有修理鉛筆的嗎?    (20132月號,第55)

   So Satisfying
“Where do you want this huge roll of bubble wrap?” I asked my boss.
“Just pop[] it in the corner,” he replied.
It took me three hours.    (RD2013, Feb., p.51)

我整整花了三小時才完成任務。[]    (20132月號,第51)

[] Pop這個字有兩個意思:(1) (把東西)隨便放; (2) (把氣泡)捏破。 老闆說的是第(1)個意思,我以為是第(2)個意思——結果我整整花了三個小時才完成任務。

   Squeaky Wheel
A few years ago, I went to the emergency department for abdominal pain. The desk where I checked in was called the “triage unit” – not the most comforting name for a unit – and they asked me to rate my pain on a scale from one to ten, ten being worst. Trying not to brag (I was raised in Ohio, where we’re taught to be modest about all things, including abdominal pain), I said six. The result of that: I was ignored for hours, while the emergency staff busied themselves with those liars who answered seven through ten.
From now on, if I ever find myself in the emergency room, on line with the phone company or arguing with my wife, and I’m asked to measure pain of any sort on a scale from one through ten, I’m answering 11. A squeaky wheel never says six.  (RD2013, Feb., p.119)

從此以後,每次掛急診,或跟電話公司線上交涉,或跟老婆吵架,若遇到要我用110的刻度來表示我的任何痛苦時,我都會回答11。會吵的小孩才有糖吃,因此千萬別說6喔。  (20132月號,第119)
   Talking Dog
A guy spots a sign outside a house that reads “Talking Dog for Sale”. Intrigued, he walks in.
“So, what have you done with your life?” he asks the dog.
“I’ve lived a very full life,” says the dog. “I lived in the Alps rescuing avalanche victims. Then I served my country in Iraq. And now I spend my days reading to the residents of a retirement home.”
The guy is flabbergasted. He asks the dog’s owner, “Why on earth would you want to get rid of an incredible dog like that?”
The owner says, “Because he’s a liar! He never did any of that.”    (RD2013, Feb., p.52)
狗主人說:「因為牠是個騙子!牠說的都不是事實。」    (20132月號,第52)
   Philosophy I Live by
I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying.   -- Woody Allen   (RD2013, Feb., p.54)

我不想藉由修練來成仙;我只要長生不老就成仙啦。  —— 伍迪.艾倫   (20132月號,第54)

   Tablet Timing
In a recent study of 661 patients with kidney disease and hypertension, those who took at least one blood pressure medication at night were about a third as likely to suffer a cardiac event in five years (including heart attacks, strokes and heart failure) than those who took a morning dose. Talk to your doctor about timing.   (RD2013, Feb., p.15)

在最近針對661位腎臟病及高血壓患者所作的研究中發現,晚上服用至少一種高血壓藥物的人,五年內罹患心臟疾病(包括心肌梗塞、中風、和心臟衰竭等)的機率比早上服藥的人大約高出三分之一。因此請跟你的醫生談一下服藥時間的問題。    (20132月號,第15)

   Anita Renfro’s Joking
When I was a self-conscious teen, my mother told me, “You think people are thinking about your zit or your large nose, but they’re not. No-one else is thinking of you as much as you think they are, because just think how much you’re not thinking of other people.”
And she was trying to cheer me up.   (RD2013, Feb., p.55)

其實,她只不過是在安慰我罷了。   (20132月號,第55)


   It’s Always Husband’s Fault
After learning her parents were in a minor car accident, my wife called her mother.
“What happened?” she asked.
“I was driving and fell asleep,” said her mother, irritated. “And of course, your father wasn’t paying attention!”  (RD2013, Feb., p.54)
我老婆聽到說她的爸媽出了一個小車禍,馬上打電話給她老媽:「究竟是怎麼一回事?」她老媽沒好氣地說:「我開車時睡著了,而妳老爸居然沒發現!」 (20132月號,第54)

    Silent Farts
“Doctor, please help me,” says an elderly patient. “I have silent passage of gas every morning. I have silent passage of gas every afternoon, and silent passage of gas in the evening. Sometimes I have silent passage of gas at unpredictable times – for instance, just now. Can you help me?”
“Sure, I can help you,” says the doctor. “But first you need your hearing checked.”  (RD2013, Feb., p.54)
「當然,我可以幫你醫好,」醫生說:「不過你的聽力恐怕要先檢查一下。」  (20132月號,第54)

   The Christmas Walk (I)
“Grandma, we are going out again, aren’t we?” My eldest grandson’s request receives support from the other grandkids. “Yes, of course,” I reassure them. There are 13 of us around the table, grown up and growing. My husband and me, our daughters and sons-in-law, and our seven grandchildren. The eldest, 12, the youngest, barely three. Their arrival on Christmas Day caused a whirlwind around the house, with bags full of presents in need of display, contributions to our Christmas dinner placed in the kitchen, grandchildren looking for toys, and our daughters inspecting the Christmas tree while reminiscing about decorations they used to make and acquire every year.
Christmas: a family feast. There’s good reason the evergreen “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” still touches our heart. At home with the family, locking out the world around us, staring dreamily at the fire and the candles, taking turns playing our favorite carols – that is the spirit of Christmas. We also talk, often without waiting for turns, and laugh about each other’s stories, while comforting or exhorting a child with a glass of wine in hand. Then comes Christmas dinner, traditional, identical every year. But before we take a bite, my husband reads the story of Jesus’ birth.
In our home we start Christmas dinner at 5pm, because three of our grandchildren are still toddlers and need to be in bed early. I am all for tradition – that’s something grandmothers seem to share, so I keep them going. We also added a new one a couple of years ago: the nighttime walk. After Christmas dinner, around 7.30pm. A very special experience. We step back in time, back to the days when the month of December was covered in deep, mysterious darkness.    (RD2012, December, p.93-94)

我們家的聖誕大餐在下午五點鐘開始,原因是我們有三個孫子還小,必須讓他們早一點上床。我是個很傳統的人——天下的阿嬤都是這樣,一切都要照傳統來。但在兩年前我們多了一項新的傳統,就是聖誕夜遊,大約在晚上七點半開始,也就是吃完聖誕大餐之後。這是一種很特別的體驗,彷彿時光倒流,回到過去每到十二月整個世界籠罩在一片神秘漆黑的年代。     (RD2012, 12月號, 93-94)
我要回家過聖誕》: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFGfCn5rKIM

   The Christmas Walk (II)
After a quick, superficial clean-up, and when the three youngest are washed and in bed, we depart. All but one, who is appointed babysitter by a roll of the dice. With lanterns in hand and our high heels exchanged for walking gear, we leave our neighborhood. We catch glimpses of people around tables in houses, and Christmas decorations in gardens. Then, suddenly, darkness awaits us. We live in the east of Netherlands, near the German border. To the left are hills and trees, the edges of the Reichswald in Germany. On the other side is the Maas-Waal channel with its summer dykes and meadows. Absolute silence reigns. My husband and I point out the features in the star-studded sky: Orion, the Big Dipper, the Milky Way.
Today’s children know much more than we did. They are digital acrobats, absorbing and filing all facts and knowledge of the world around them. But they know very little about the world above, fixated as they are by their computer screen or Nintendo DS. They are familiar with the story of the Star of Bethlehem, but they’re not sure what it is exactly. Does that star still exist? Stars, I explain, lead immeasurable lives in distant galaxies. They may be millions of light years away. But nobody knows if the Star of Bethlehem – the “sign in the sky” glowingly testifying to the birth of Christ, really existed. Babylonian priest-astrologers, as well as Chinese astrologers, observed and described all changes in the sky before and after the start of the Christian era. But that didn’t include a phenomenon such as the “Star of Bethlehem”.    (RD2012, December, p.94)

現代的孩子懂的東西比我們小時候多得多。他們是玩數位產品的高手;藉由這些利器,他們不斷地吸收周遭世界的事物和知識,並在腦子裡一一建檔。但他們對天上的世界所知甚少,仰望星空的感覺跟盯著電腦螢幕或任天堂遊戲機沒甚麼兩樣。他們聽過伯利恆之星」的故事,但不確知那是甚麼。真的有這顆星嗎?我向孩子們解釋說,在許多遙遠的星系裡,無數的恆星造就出無數的生命;它們可能距離我們數百萬光年之遙。但沒有人知道這顆所謂的「天上的預兆」——證實基督降生的「伯利恆之星」是否確實存在過。在基督教發軔前後的那段期間,古巴比倫的僧侶星相家們,以及古中國的星相家們,都曾經鉅細靡遺地觀察和紀錄當時的星象變化;但都沒有看到「伯利恆之星」之類的天文現象。    (RD2012, 12月號, 94)

   The Christmas Walk (III)
As we discuss the story of Christmas and the historical holes it shows, we hear the restless splashing against the banks of the wide channel. There isn’t a single ship on this busy international waterway leading to Rotterdam harbor.
Then we cross to the woods on the other side. There the darkness and silence are even deeper and more mysterious. Our lanterns barely suffice to stop us from tripping over tree roots. We here an owl, see a deer rushing away, and wonder what the constant rustle in the undergrowth means: a fox, a badger? We feel as if we’re alone in the world. Finally, after an hour and a half, we take a path leading home. Our suburb reappears. We enter the street, look at our illuminated house, a symbol of security, warmth and comfort. Once home, my older grandkids are in quiet awe. They have experienced the night the way generations have for centuries, every December evening. A fascinating experience with the frightening lure of the unknown. They eagerly grab hot chocolate with cream, their cheeks blushing with cold.    (RD2012, December, p.94-95)

接著我們轉向穿入森林裡,裡面更暗、更安靜、更充滿神秘感。我們燈籠的光顯然不足,因此大家常常被樹根絆倒。我們聽到一隻貓頭鷹的叫聲,看到一隻鹿一閃而過,還有灌木叢裡唏唏嗦嗦的聲響,不知那是一隻狐狸還是一隻獾。此時此刻的我們彷彿遺世而獨立。一個半小時之後,我們開始打道回府。首先看到的是我們小鎮的郊區,然後走入街道,看到我們燈火通明的家;這個家是安全、溫暖、和舒適的象徵。一抵達家門,幾個較年長的孫子懾於剛才的經歷,都噤聲不語;他們剛經歷的是幾世紀以來列祖列宗每年十二月都經歷過的夜晚——神秘、令人敬畏,卻那麼吸引人。他們迫不及待地搶喝熱騰騰的奶油巧克力,雙頰被凍得紅通通的。   (RD2012, 12月號, 94-95)

   The Christmas Walk (IV)
In many languages the word “night” begins with an N. Nuit, Notte, Nacht, derived from the mysterious and ancient Egyptian goddess Nut, the personification of the night sky. According to myth she would swallow the sun at night. She was depicted as a nude, painted with stars, and visible only to those same stars. Wandering through the deserted landscape of river and woods, I can’t help but think about our distant ancestors who lived without artificial light, having only the darkness and the moon for natural companions. Experiencing the night as a distinct and mysterious “being” sharpens the senses for perceptions we cannot possibly perceive in daylight. The night is not only for the dark side of life, it is also for poets and lovers and for sleep-giving miraculous dreams. There’s a reason why the great mysteries of Christianity happened at night.
In this shady world of long nights and silent winter landscapes, our ancestors celebrated the 21th of December before the Christian era, as the winter solstice, with bonfires and other celebratory rituals. In the northern hemisphere we still experience the shortest day and the longest night of the year on that date, when the sun reaches its lowest zenith in the sky. This lasts three days. On the night of December 24, our Christmas Eve, the deepest of darkness is behind us. The “light” is reborn and frees us from darkness. Slowly but surely the days lengthen and the coming of light means hope, grows, perspective.
Tomorrow morning, my children and in-laws will leave after brunch, with us waving back at little hands sticking out of car windows, disappearing around the corner. Then I’ll seriously attempt to take our house back, clear away the toys littering all corners. And enjoy the unceasingly dark days between Christmas and the new year. The period between December 24 and 31 allows you to sign a truce with the busy, demanding world surrounding us, the constant “push”. A different, more receptive consciousness, less rational, more intuitive, gets a chance. Creating clarity about yourself, about life itself. A kind of homecoming to yourself.      (RD2012, December, p. 95-96)

明天早上吃過早餐之後,女兒們、女婿們、和孫子們都將離去;我們會向孫子們伸出車窗外的小手揮別,目送他們消失在街角處。然後我要好好的將家裡恢復原狀,將散落在各個角落的玩具收拾乾淨,然後好好享受聖誕節與新年之間一連串的幽暗日子。在十二月廿四日至三十一日的這段期間,可以讓我們跟周遭繁忙的、嚴苛的世界暫時簽個停戰協定,讓另類的、更敏銳的心智有機會浮現,少一點理性,多一點感性。更了解自己,更了解生命的意義。對一個人來說,這就是一種回家的感覺。     (RD2012, 12月號, 95-96)

   The Christmas Walk (V)
It’s about time for us to go to bed as well. While my husband walks the dog, I stay behind and pick up a pile of seasonal greetings we receive. Again, I notice how some people wish us a “sacred” or “blessed” Christmas. They live up to the essential spirit of Christmas, allowing our souls to linger on a higher level. To engage ourselves in peace on Earth and in our hearts. And above all, count our blessings. The two of us set out on this adventure called marriage, my husband and I. Now there are 13 of us. Our grandchildren bathe us in their joy for life. Allowing us to look through their eyes, they make everything feel new. That is why Christmas is also the feast of the tangible miracle close to us. The essence of the story of Christmas is the birth of a child. The woman who feels that the time has come, who gives life, the man who helps her, the child with the promise of a new beginning. Light, rejuvenation, hope, continuation. A never-ending story. Man’s oldest footprints were placed over three million years ago. Found in African lava fields. Big prints, medium and small ones: man, woman, and child. Like a family. Like Mary, Joseph and their baby Jesus. Like us, today.
Christmas is as old as the ages and infinitely young. Because we live in light and love. And children are still humanity’s poetry.
“Are we going on a night walk again next year?” the two ten-year-olds asked when we came home. “Of course,” my husband and I replied simultaneously. As long as you like, and as long as we live, I thought, silently. Knowing that we are mortal, but immortally memorized. Once they reach our age they’ll still remember our evening strolls. Maybe they’ll go out with their own children. That is how we live on. Grandchildren are our sky rockets to eternity.    (RD2012, December, p. 96)

剛才我們回到家時,兩個十歲的孫子問說:「明年我們還有聖誕夜遊嗎?」我跟老公異口同聲地回答:「那當然」。我在心裡默想,只要你們喜歡,而且我們還活著的話。人的生命有限,但回憶是永恆的。有一天當他們到我們這個年紀時,他們一定仍然記得我們的聖誕夜遊。也許帶著他們自己的小孩一起去。我們就是如此代代相傳。而孫子們正是我們衝向永恆的最大動力。    (RD2012, 12月號, 96)

   Lighten Your Sugar Load
We know that sugar drinks are bad for our waistlines, teeth and general health, but is the message getting through? Recent research shows that one in ten adults still drink more than half a liter of soft drink a day. That’s bad news, especially given a new link between soft drinks and asthma. The high sugar content in soft drinks may make the airways more vulnerable to allergic inflammation. Most people, including children, increase their consumption of sugary drinks over Christmas and the holiday season. Sugary foods and drinks are nice to have now and then, but limit them to special occasions.    (RD2012, December, p.16)

我們都知道,含糖飲料對我們的腰圍、牙齒、和全身健康都有不良影響;但光知道有用嗎?最近一項研究顯示,十個成年人仍然有一個每天喝下超過半公升的含糖飲料。這是個壞消息,尤其是最新發現含糖飲料跟氣喘有關。飲料中的高含量糖分會使呼吸道更容易罹患過敏性發炎。大多數人(包括小孩)在聖誕節和這段假期中都會喝較多含糖飲料。偶爾吃點含糖食物和飲料是不錯,但應限定只在特殊場合才吃。      (RD2012, 12月號, 16)

   Lord of the Desert (III)
RD: To mark the 50th anniversary of Lawrence of Arabia, a remastered Blue-ray special edition with additional features is being released. Will you watch it again?
OS: Since its release, I’ve never watch it again. The same goes for my other films. And I must have been to the cinema barely twice in 15 years! I don’t like the cinema, because I know all about how films are made. I prefer the theater. The actors can make mistakes but at least they’re “live” in front of me and not redoing a scene hundreds of times over. But I love watching TV series.
RD: If you were living life over, would you be tempted to change the course of certain things?
OS: Probably, but I couldn’t tell you which. If I dislike something, I have the ability to wipe it from memory and remember only the happy times.    (RD2012, December, p. 80)

沙漠之王 ()
奧瑪:也許吧!但我不能說出來。如果我不喜歡某件事情,我會將它從我的腦海裡消除掉,而只記得快樂的時光。   (RD2012,12月號, 80)

   Lord of the Desert (II)
RD: Whom or what do you thank for your role in Lawrence of Arabia?
OS: Good Luck. But my mother also had a hand in it. David Lean was looking for an English-speaking Arab actor and it was my mother who had made me learn English. At ten years old, I’d become terribly fat because I ate all the time, and at my school, run by Jesuits, we didn’t do any sport. Despairing at seeing her only son (in whom she nourished many ambitions) so ugly, my mother sent me to boarding school in a country where I wouldn’t be tempted by the food. It was England! Mission accomplished. The fat melted away. And, since the school had a theater, I also discovered a new passion.

RD: Do you think that growing up in the Middle East has given you a very particular personality?
OS: I’ve never analyzed that. It’s true that I grew up in Egypt, but immediately after filming Lawrence of Arabia I left for Hollywood, as stipulated in the seven-year contract I’d signed. All I know is that I’m an actor without a homeland, the only one in the world who’s played a Nazi colonel [The Night of the Generals] as well as a New York Jew [Funny Girl], a Muslim, a Christian, a priest, an Arab in the desert. . . and even an Austrian prince [Mayerling]. Can you imagine it? Me, an Arab, as an Austrian? [He laughs wholeheartedly.]   (RD2012, December, p. 80)


奧瑪:我從來沒仔細想過這個問題耶。確實,我在埃及長大,但在阿拉伯的勞倫斯》開拍之後,我就前往好萊塢,被綁了七年約。我只覺得我是個沒有祖國的演員,世界上只有我一個人演過納粹上校[《將軍之夜》]紐約的猶太人[《妙女郎》]、回教徒、基督教徒、傳教士、沙漠裡的阿拉伯人等等…我甚至演過奧地利王子哩[《泡沫之戀》]!你能想像嗎?我,一個阿拉伯人,居然演一個奧地利人耶!(他開懷大笑。)    (RD2012,12月號, 80)

   Lord of the Desert (I)
On the 50th anniversary of Lawrence of Arabia, an audience with Omar Sharif, one of the last stars from Hollywood’s golden age.

Reader’s Digest: You often say that you are not completely satisfied with any of your films. Why is that?
Omar Sharif: Is one ever completely satisfied in life? I have only a special fondness for a few films: Lawrence of Arabia, of course, but also Dr Zhivago, because I’m a sentimental type, and Funny Girl with Barbra Streisand. We got on wonderfully well. In fact, we almost got married. I said no because she wanted us to live in America and I wanted to stay in Paris!
RD: Do you often fall in love with your leading ladies?
OS: In love – no. I’ve only ever really loved one woman – my wife [Faten Hamama, a famous actress in Egypt]. And despite that, I left her.    (RD2012, December, p. 78-79)



奧瑪:談戀愛倒沒有。我一輩子只愛一個女人,就是我太太[埃及名女星哈瑪瑪]。儘管如此,我還是離開她了。    (RD2012,12月號, 78-79)

   Time is Fleeting
“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” – Charles Darwin
 “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”   - Steve Jobs     (RD2012, December, p. 96)

膽敢浪費一小時光陰的人,根本不知生命的價值。   ——達爾文
生命有限,因此不要浪費生命為他人而活。不要被教條綑綁,因為教條是他人訂出來的東西。不要讓他人的意見像雜音一般淹沒你自己內心的聲音。最重要的是,要有勇氣跟隨自己的意念和直覺。   ——賈伯斯    (RD2012,12月號, 96)

   Beware Female Fairies
A married couple in their early 60s was celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant. Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table. She said, “For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish.”
The wife answered, “Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband!” The fairy waved her magic wand and – poof! – two luxury cruise ship tickets appeared in her hands.
The husband thought for a moment: “Well, this is all very romantic, but an opportunity like this will never come again. I’m sorry, my love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me.”
The wife and the fairy were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish.
So the fairy waved her magic wand and – poof! – the husband became 92 years old.   (RD2012, December, p. 81)

於是小仙女又揮了一下魔棒——噗!這個老公變成了92歲。    (RD2012,12月號, 81)

   Fright Night
Sam is at home watching a video in the lounge. “Oh no!” he moans, covering his eyes. “Don’t do it, man! Don’t go through that door – you’ll be sorry!”
Sam’s wife comes downstairs to see what all the fuss is about. “What on earth are you watching?” she asks. “Some kind of horror movie?”
“No,” Sam replies. “Our wedding video.”     (RD2012, December, p. 82)

山姆回答說:「是我們的結婚錄影啦。」    (RD2012,12月號, 82)

   Audience Participation
My high school drama class had put together a play based on fairytales, and was performing it for a group of primary school kids. At one point, the Little Red Riding Hood character sobbed, “My grandma’s dead!”
To our mortification, a little girl seated in the audience exclaimed, “So’s mine!”    (RD2012, December, p. 57)

我在高中教戲劇課,排演一齣童話故事改編的戲碼之後,表演給一群小學生觀賞。當劇情進行到飾演小紅帽的演員一把鼻涕一把眼淚地說:「我阿嬤死了!」,觀眾席裡的一個小女生突然大喊:「我阿嬤也死了!」,引起大家一陣錯愕。    (RD2012,12月號, 57)

