2012年5月2日 星期三


 Reader’s Digest

   Normal or Nuts? (II)
Q: When people are eating, I can’t stand the sound of a fork or spoon clanking on a plate or bowl. I get chills, nausea and a headache. I’m also sickened by the sound of people chewing with their mouth open. Is there something wrong with me?
A: Possibly nuts. It’s tempting to suggest there is something wrong with everyone else you know. How come they don’t chew with their mouths closed? At the very least, you are overly sensitive to minor irritations. You may also be suffering from an obscure malady called misophonia – a condition characterized by an intense loathing of a range of sounds, such as those made by trains, certain musical instruments and people (their breathing, for instance). Try to focus your attention away from the source of irritation. Instead, concentrate as hard as you can on something else when you eat with your friends: the background music, the scenery, even what your friends are talking about (what a concept!). You may be able to train yourself to be less bothered by the noise.    (RD2012, Sept., p.117-118)

     答:可能有問題。由此似乎顯示你跟每個朋友之間出了問題;你叫他們嘴巴閉起來怎麼吃東西嘛?至少我可以說,你太吹毛求疵了。你還可能罹患一種叫做「憎聲症」的罕見疾病——患這種病的人極端憎恨某些聲音,例如火車、某些樂器、以及某些人所發出的聲音(如他們的呼吸聲)當你跟朋友吃飯時,最好能將注意力從不愉快的聲源移開,盡可能將注意力集中在別的事物上:例如背景音樂、周遭風景、和朋友的談話內容(這個最重要!)。也許你更應該訓練自己不要太在意朋友發出的噪音。   (RD2012, 9月號, 117-118)
   Normal or Nuts? (I)

   Q: I sometimes have strange dreams when taking a nap, and I think they’re real when I wake up. Then, as I come around, I realize they aren’t. Is there something wrong with me?
   A: Not nuts! What’s wrong is that you get to take naps and most of us don’t! But are you unhinged? The unanimous consensus among our panel is: no. We all have wild dreams, and it’s normal, upon waking, to be fuzzy for a little while or even not remember where we are, especially if we wake up someplace unfamiliar, like a hotel. (Or a crater on Mars filled with unfinished history homework.) Confusion is normal because it lasts only a few seconds. What’s abnormal is if you don’t snap out of it. Since you did – at least long enough to write a letter – you’re fine.    (RD2012, Sept., p.116)
   答:沒有不正常!不正常的是你需要常常小睡,而一般大多數人是不需要的!言歸正傳,你算不算精神失常?我們小組一致的結論是:不算。我們每個人都會做怪夢;醒來時短暫的迷糊(甚至在陌生環境中 例如旅館 醒來,一時搞不清楚自己身在何處)都是正常現象。或者醒來發現身處火星上的隕石坑,裡面有一大堆寫不完的歷史作業;但只要這種迷糊狀態持續時間不超過幾秒鐘,都是正常的。不過如果這種狀態揮之不去,那就不正常了。至於你的情況,至少你還能寫這封信給我們,所以放心啦!    (RD2012, 9月號, 116)