2012年2月14日 星期二


■舒伯特(Schubert) - 死與少女 :
■佛列果夫(Volegov) - 畫集 :
■韋奧尼斯基(Wieniawski) - 波蘭舞曲(No.1) :
■艾爾加(Elgar) - 大提琴協奏曲 :
■打字機 :
街頭演唱 - 快樂頌 :
■普契尼(Puccini) - 鼻音合唱(摘自歌劇蝴蝶夫人) :
■比亞佐拉(Piazzolla) - 遺忘 :

■庫煦(Kush) - 超現實繪畫 :
蕭邦音樂改編 - 我心中有一首歌 :
■舒伯特(Schubert) - 磨坊工人與小溪(Der Müller und der Bach) :

鋼琴曲 - 懷舊 :


Reader’s Digest

A ship is sailing the seas when the call comes from the crow’s nest, “Enemy ship on the horizon!” The captain hollers to his men, “Prepare for war!” He says to his deckhand,” Bring me my red shirt!” The deckhand asks why. “So that if I get injured my men won’t see my blood and will keep on fighting,” replies the hardy captain.
The men stand their ground and finally win out. They tend the wounded and carry on sailing. Sometime later, another cry comes from the crow’s nest, “TEN enemy ships on the horizon!” “Prepare for battle!” the captain hollers to his men, then says to his deckhand, “Bring me my brown pants!”   (RD2012, May, p.65)

笑 譚
一艘船在海上航行時,桅頂瞭望台突然傳來一聲呼叫:「海平線上有敵船!」船長立即吆喝他的船員們:「準備戰鬥!」並且吩咐隨從:「快把我的紅色上衣拿來!」隨從問他要紅色上衣幹什麼;這位豪氣萬千的船長回答說:「萬一我受傷了,弟兄們才不會看到我流血,而繼續戰鬥下去。」果然船員們堅守崗位,贏得勝利。大夥一面照顧傷者,一面繼續航行。不久,桅頂瞭望台又傳來一聲呼叫:「海平線上有十艘敵船!」船長照樣吆喝他的船員們:「準備戰鬥!」並且吩咐隨從:「快把我的褐色褲子拿來!」    (RD2012, 5月號, 65)

   Belly Buster
Visceral fat, the kind that is packed deep within the abdomen, is the most damaging to our health and has been linked with increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Researchers keen to determine the best way to lose it have found that you’re better off taking up jogging, cycling, swimming or walking than lifting weights.
Resistance training builds muscle strength, but doesn’t shift visceral fat. Sedentary people want to know the best way to spend their limited exercise time, and if they want to lose fat, aerobic training is best.
There is no easy way to know how much visceral fat you have, but one good measure is belly size. Men tend to carry more visceral fat than women, but after menopause, women begin to put it on.    (RD2012, May, p.14)

要知道你究竟有多少內臟脂肪並不容易;但最好的一項指標就是你的腰圍。一般而言,男人比女人蓄積較多內臟脂肪;但女人在停經之後,會迎頭趕上。    (RD2012, 5月號, 14)