Reader’s Digest
●Normal or Nuts? (II)
Pisa ’s tower is easily beaten in Suurhusen ,
Germany , where
a square church tower tilts at 5.19 degrees, although smaller and far less
● A Word Is Born – Pecha Kucha
【答】 1. C; 2. 紅色; 3. A; 4. B;
5. 逆時鐘
Q: When people are eating, I can’t stand the sound of a fork or spoon
clanking on a plate or bowl. I get chills, nausea and a headache. I’m also
sickened by the sound of people chewing with their mouth open. Is there
something wrong with me?
A: Possibly nuts. It’s tempting to suggest there is something wrong with
everyone else you know. How come they don’t chew with their mouths closed? At
the very least, you are overly sensitive to minor irritations. You may also be
suffering from an obscure malady called
misophonia – a condition characterized by an intense loathing of a range of
sounds, such as those made by trains, certain musical instruments and people
(their breathing, for instance). Try to focus your
attention away from the source of irritation. Instead, concentrate as hard as
you can on something else when you eat with your friends: the background music,
the scenery, even what your friends are talking about (what a concept!). You
may be able to train yourself to be less bothered by the noise. (RD2012, Sept., p.117-118)
答:可能有問題。由此似乎顯示你跟每個朋友之間出了問題;你叫他們嘴巴閉起來怎麼吃東西嘛?至少我可以說,你太吹毛求疵了。你還可能罹患一種叫做「憎聲症」的罕見疾病——患這種病的人極端憎恨某些聲音,例如火車、某些樂器、以及某些人所發出的聲音(如他們的呼吸聲)。當你跟朋友吃飯時,最好能將注意力從不愉快的聲源移開,盡可能將注意力集中在別的事物上:例如背景音樂、周遭風景、和朋友的談話內容(這個最重要!)。也許你更應該訓練自己不要太在意朋友發出的噪音。 (RD2012, 9月號, 117-118頁)
● Normal or Nuts? (I)
Q: I sometimes have strange dreams when taking a nap, and I think they’re
real when I wake up. Then, as I come around, I realize they aren’t. Is there something
wrong with me?
A: Not nuts! What’s wrong is that you get to take naps and most of us
don’t! But are you unhinged? The unanimous consensus among our panel is: no. We
all have wild dreams, and it’s normal, upon waking, to be fuzzy for a little
while or even not remember where we are, especially if we wake up someplace
unfamiliar, like a hotel. (Or a crater on Mars filled with unfinished history
homework.) Confusion is normal because it lasts only a
few seconds. What’s abnormal is if you don’t snap out of it. Since you did – at
least long enough to write a letter – you’re fine. (RD2012, Sept., p.116)
答:沒有不正常!不正常的是你需要常常小睡,而一般大多數人是不需要的!言歸正傳,你算不算精神失常?我們小組一致的結論是:不算。我們每個人都會做怪夢;醒來時短暫的迷糊(甚至在陌生環境中 – 例如旅館 – 醒來,一時搞不清楚自己身在何處)都是正常現象。或者醒來發現身處火星上的隕石坑,裡面有一大堆寫不完的歷史作業;但只要這種迷糊狀態持續時間不超過幾秒鐘,都是正常的。不過如果這種狀態揮之不去,那就不正常了。至於你的情況,至少你還能寫這封信給我們,所以放心啦! (RD2012, 9月號, 116頁)
● Exit Strategy
Driving with my mother can be an
interesting experience. Recently, I was with her as she tried to find the way
out of a new multistory car park.
“Ah!” she cried with delight as she turned
the car towards a ramp, “No entry. That must be the exit!” (RD2012, Sept., p.49)
「啊,這就對了!」她一邊把車開往一處斜坡,一邊高興地大喊:「那邊寫『非入口』,那一定是出口啦!」 (RD2012, 9月號, 49頁)
【譯註】No entry 是「禁止進入」的意思,不是「非入口」也。有「禁止進入」的標示表示那是入口,不是出口。
● Excessive Exercise
Exercising to the extreme tests our natural
defenses. Moderate exercise boosts immunity, but overdoing it leaves us
susceptible to upper-respiratory tract infections (URTIs) such as colds, flu,
tonsillitis and sinusitis. Studies show in the weeks after a marathon, runners
have a two to six times greater risk of developing URTIs. (RD2012, Sept., p.11)
過度運動會考驗我們的自然防疫機能。適當的運動固然會增強免疫力,但過度運動會讓我們易患上呼吸道感染諸病症(URTIs),如感冒、流感、扁桃腺發炎、以及竇炎。研究顯示跑完馬拉松的選手在幾個禮拜內罹患URTIs的風險比平常高出二至六倍。 (RD2012, 9月號, 11頁)
● Phat Joke
Q: How much does a hipster weigh?
A: An instagram.
(RD2012, Sept., p.98)
笑 譚
答:1 因斯達公克。 (RD2012, 9月號, 98頁)
【譯註】instagram是蘋果公司最新推出的iPad內建軟體,用iPad照相後可以利用它立即將照片傳上網。這個新字是由instant(立即)和photogram(照片)合成的;但這裡故意將gram解釋為重量單位「公克」來製造笑果。另外,標題phat joke原來應該是fat joke(大笑話),此處故意將f寫成同音的ph,以便與photogram的字首ph相呼應。
● When You Are Right,
You’re Right
Question on a Year Two math test: “Tony
drank one-sixth of a glass of juice. Emily drank one-quarter of a glass of
juice. Emily drank more. Explain.”
My grandson’s answer impressed his teacher:
”She was more thirsty.” (RD2012,
Sept., p.60)
我的孫子的答案讓老師拍案叫絕:「因為艾蜜莉比較口渴。」 (RD2012, 9月號, 60頁)
● The Passage of Time
Three men are deciding where to meet for
lunch to celebrate their 40th birthdays. Finally they settle on the Ocean View
restaurant, because the waitresses there are gorgeous.
Ten years later, at age 50, the friends
once again discuss where they should meet for lunch. Finally it’s agreed that
they will dine at the Ocean View restaurant, because the food is good and the
wine selection excellent.
Ten years later, at age 60, the friends
again discuss where they should have lunch, and finally agree to meet at the
Ocean View restaurant, because they can dine in peace and quiet while looking
at the beautiful view.
Ten years later, at age 70, the friends
discuss where they should meet for lunch. The Ocean View restaurant is agreed
upon because it has wheelchair access and a lift.
Ten years later, at age 80, the three men
discuss where they should meet for lunch. Finally it’s agreed that they will
meet at the Ocean View restaurant, because they have never been there
before. (RD2012, Sept., p.99)
十年後,他們80歲,又在討論聚餐地點,最後決定在海景餐廳,因為他們以前從來沒有去過。 (RD2012, 9月號, 99頁)
● Listen Closely
A wife asks her husband, “Could you go to
the shops for me? Buy one carton of milk and, if they have eggs, get six.”
A short time later, the husband comes back
with six cartons of milk. The wife asks him, “Why on earth did you buy so much
He replies, “They had eggs.” (RD2012, Sept., p.97)
他回答說:「他們有賣蛋啊。」 (RD2012, 9月號, 97頁)
● Food for Thought
My girlfriend is a vegetarian. She said
that I’m not a real animal lover because I eat meat, and that if I really loved
animals I would only eat lettuce, vegetables and grains.
I said, “If you really loved animals, you’d
stop eating all their food.” (RD2012,
Sept., p.98)
(RD2012, 9月號, 98頁)
● Laughter
Beside himself with panic, an expectant
father shouts frantically down the phone, “My wife’s having a baby and her
contractions are only two minutes apart!”
“Is this her first child?” asked the
“No,” shouts the Dad-to-be, “this is her
husband!” (RD2012, Sept., p.98)
笑 譚
這位準爸爸大叫:「不是,我是她的老公!」 (RD2012, 9月號, 98頁)
● Word Journey
Domino originates from the Latin word dominus, meaning “master”. The link
between these words comes from the hoods worn by a group of Italian priests in
the 16th century. These powerful men were domini
(a type of master) and the black hood they wore – called a domino – was then
copied by Venetian masquerades in the 18th century. Those hoods in turn
resembled the black rectangular blocks in the early 19th-century game, which
were then given the name “dominoes”.
(RD2012, Sept., p.144)
「骨牌」的英文domino源自拉丁文dominus,意思是「師父」。這兩個字的關聯來自16世紀義大利的一群僧侶所戴的僧帽。這群有權勢的人被稱為「師父」,而他們所戴的僧帽(稱為師父帽)被18世紀的威尼斯化妝舞會抄襲使用。然後,在19世紀出現的遊戲所使用黑色方塊(骨牌)形狀很像這種僧帽;因此,骨牌就被稱為domino了。 (RD2012, 9月號, 144頁)
● Alzheimer’s Disease
One day you try to read a book, but can’t
understand the words. Later, you get lost in your own neighborhood. Eventually,
you won’t recognize those you love. Your body is still there … but you’re gone.
Alzheimer’s disease was first identified in
1906 by German scientist Alois Alzheimer. Today, it’s one of the leading causes
of dementia, a disease of the brain that affects cognitive ability. Other
common types of dementia include vascular dementia, Parkinson’s disease,
dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. All lead to
memory loss and problems with thinking, changed behavior and a loss of ability
to perform everyday tasks.
Worldwide there are nearly 35.6 million
people living with dementia, according to the World Health Organization. Up to
70% of these are thought to have Alzheimer disease. Of those people with
dementia, more than half (58%) are from low- and middle-income countries. (RD2012, August, p. 63)
根據世界衛生組織的資料,目前全世界約有3560萬人患有失憶症;其中高達70%被認為屬於阿茲海默症。這些患有失憶症的人當中,一半以上(58%)來自中低收入的國家。 (RD2012, 八月號,63頁)
● The Leaning Towers
The words “leaning tower” and the Italian
city of Pisa
are inextricably linked. Built on unstable soil, Pisa ’s bell tower began leaning soon after
construction began in 1173. However, stabilization work completed in 2001 “straightened
it up” by half a degree, reducing its lean to 3.9 degrees. But to see the world’s
most deeply leaning towers (excluding those purposely built that way), head
further north.
In St.
Moritz , Switzerland ,
a charming church tower (built, along with the entire neighborhood, on land
that’s slowly creeping down the mountain) now leans at a tipsy 5.36 degrees. Get
in quick, though. Next year, planned hydraulic work will bring it back closer
to vertical. (RD2012, August, p. 24)
在瑞士的聖莫里次也有一座可愛的教堂鐘樓,它跟附近所有建築物都建在逐漸下滑的山坡上,目前已經傾斜了搖搖欲墜的5.36度。不過,想看要快;因為進行中的水壓作業預定在明年會把它扳回接近垂直。 (RD2012, 八月號,24頁)
● Sleep Keeps the Kilos at
Growing evidence suggests a good sleep
routine plays an important part in weight control – sufficient sleep is needed
to keep our calorie intake on track. Study participants who slept for 80
minutes less than a control group consumed on average an extra 550 calories
each day. Research shows that when people are sleep deprived there are changes
inside the brain and this could be driving them to eat more. The hormones
linked to hunger may be upset, too. Even though they [sleep-deprived study
participants] produced the signal telling them they were full, they still
consumed extra calories. (RD2012,
August, p. 12)
證據逐漸顯示,經常性的優質睡眠在體重控制上扮演著重要的角色——充分的睡眠是讓我們的卡路里攝取正常化的必要條件。若參與研究的受測者比控制組少睡80分鐘,則每人每天平均會多攝取550卡的熱量。研究顯示,當人們睡眠不足時,大腦裡會產生一些變化,促使他們吃更多東西。與飢餓感有關的賀爾蒙也會被攪亂;這些人(睡眠不足的受測者)體內明明產生了吃飽的訊號,他們還是不停地吃。 (RD2012, 八月號,12頁)
● The Missing Chapels
We were at the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City , admiring
the work of Michelangelo, when my son asked for the billionth time what the place
was called.
“It’s called the Sistine Chapel, honey,: I
Puzzled, he replied, “So where are the
other fifteen?” (RD2012, August, p. 39)
他一臉困惑地回答說:「那其他十五座教堂呢?」 (RD2012, 八月號,39頁)
Sharing Is Caring
I ran a general store in a small town and
often took calls from remote properties asking me to deliver food and other
goods to them. On one occasion, I was asked to send a toothbrush.
“Do you want an expensive one or a cheap
one?” I asked.
“Make it a good one,” was the reply. “There
are five of us out here.” (RD2012,
August, p. 72)
對方的回答是:「貴一點的好了;我們這裡有五個人哩!」 (RD2012, 八月號,72 頁)● A Word Is Born – Pecha Kucha
The word comes from the Japanese for the
sound of conversation, a bit like “chitchat”. In 2003, Pecha Kucha nights began
in Tokyo , the
idea being that people come along to a bar and give slideshows. But they’re
time-limited – you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds, giving you only around
6 minutes and 40 seconds per talk.
Pecha Kucha nights have now caught on cross
the world. A typical presentation may involve between five and ten people
(often writers, film directors or academics). They have to abide by two rules
only: no scripts and 15 minutes’ talking each – perfect in an age of shrinking attention
spans. (RD2012, August, p. 143)
英文新字 –
Pecha Kucha
Pecha Kucha這個字來自日文ぺちゃくちゃ,是形容講話的聲音,類似英文的「chitchat」(閒聊)。Pecha Kucha是一種夜間聚會,於2003年開始在東京流行起來;當初的構想是人們來到酒吧展示自製的幻燈片。但展示是有時間限制的——你只能展示20張幻燈片,每張限20秒鐘;也就是你每次大約只有6分40秒的時間。
Pecha Kucha夜間聚會目前已經風行全球;每次參加的人數通常在5到10人之間(大多是作家、電影導演、或學者)。他們必須遵守兩項規定:幻燈片裡不得有文字說明;而且每次只能講15分鐘——完全配合我們這個不耐長久專注的世代。 (RD2012, 八月號, 143頁)
● Why Baroque?
It may originally come from the Portuguese
word barroco, meaning a misshapen
pearl. Originally applied as a derogatory term to describe the broad, unsubtle
style of art patronized by the Roman Catholic Church to appeal to the
illiterate masses in the early 17th century, it went on to define an
elaborate and ornate artistic movement that encompassed music, literature,
sculpture and architecture – particularly, in the case of the latter, that of
churches and cathedrals. Today, it generally refers to the period of artistic
style spanning the late 16th to the early 18th century. Or
as a critical way to label something over the top or excessive. Jersey Shore ,
anyone? (RD2012, August, p. 144)
「巴洛克」這個名稱最初可能來自葡萄牙文barroco,意思是形狀不完美的珍珠。本來它是個帶有貶抑之意的字眼,用來泛指十七世紀初期羅馬天主教會為迎合普羅大眾的品味所提倡的庸俗的藝術形式;後來演變成專指一種繁複的、華麗的藝術活動,其範圍包括音樂、文學、雕塑、和建築——尤其在建築方面,專指這種風格的大小教堂。目前,「巴洛克」通常是指從十六世紀末到時八世紀初這段期間的藝術形式。但有時候則是用來批判一些搞過頭的、太過分的東西,例如美國的電視影集《澤西海岸》(或譯《玩咖日記》)之類的。 (RD2012, 八月號, 144頁)
● Are You a Lord of the
Which of the following has not
been an Olympic sport? a) tug of war; b) long jump for hoses; c) male
synchronized swimming.
What color flag indicates a
legal throw in an Olympic javelin competition?
The gold medals for the London Olympics
weigh 400 grams. How much of the medal is gold?
a) 6g ; b)36g ; c)396g .
Complete the Olympic Creed: “The
most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just
as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the .” a) walk; b) struggle; c)
Do Olympic athletes run
clockwise or anti-clockwise in track races?
(RD2012, August, p. 140)
A) 拔河; B) 馬術跳遠; C) 男子水上芭蕾。
A) 6公克; B) 36公克; C) 396公克。
請填入下面所示奧運宣言中缺少的一個字:「奧運最重要的事不是獲勝,而是參加;就如同人生最重要的事不是勝利,而是 。」 A)前進; B)奮鬥; C)過程。
5. 奧運徑賽當中,運動員跑的方向是順時鐘還是逆時鐘? (RD2012, 八月號, 140頁)
● Things Your Vet Won’t
Tell You (II)
We removed the largest granny
panties I have ever seen from the intestine of a Labrador .
The owner was very embarrassed.
If people are going to have big
and potentially aggressive dogs, they should spend time training them and understanding how to interpret their dog’s
Our number one frustration is when clients don’t follow our
instructions after bringing their pet to see us. For
instance, they stop treatment too soon, or don’t come back for a revisit. Then
they complain the treatment hasn’t worked.
As the poet Ogden Nash says,
the trouble with a kitten is that it eventually becomes a cat. People should not get cute kittens or
puppies unless they are prepared to look after them for life.
If you live in a one-bedroom apartment with no
patio and minimal space, and you’re gone ten hours a day, getting a Great Dane
may not be the best choice. Maybe start
with a goldfish? (RD2012, August,
p. 55)
10. 如果你住的公寓只有一間臥房,沒有院子或多餘的空間,而且每天有十個小時不在家,那麼養一隻大丹狗就很不適合。也許養一隻金魚試試看? (RD2012, 八月號, 55頁)
● Things Your Vet Won’t
Tell You (I)
We know when you’re twisting the facts. If
your dog has a two-kilogram tumor hanging from his skin, don’t tell me it wasn’t
there yesterday.
The reason your pet is fat is because you are. I would never say that to someone in an exam room but the fact of
the matter is if you have an owner who overeats and is inactive, they are very
likely to have an obese pet.
My biggest peeve is people who won’t spend money for their pet’s treatment because their pet was free to obtain.
The cheaper,
over-the-counter flea and tick treatments are extremely dangerous. I’ve seen
animals having violent seizures after using them; I’ve seen animals die. Ironically, most of these animals still
have live fleas crawling all over them.
Pet owners seem to start talking and asking questions the moment I
put my stethoscope on. And it always happens,
without fail. It would seem obvious that if you have rubber earpieces in your
ear holes that you can’t hear! (RD2012,
August, p.54-55)
你瞎掰時我都知道。如果你的狗狗皮膚上長了一個兩公斤 重的腫瘤,別告訴我說你昨天還沒看到。
4. 成藥店購買的廉價的除蝨藥品都是非常危險的。我看過很多動物用了這些藥品之後,出現強烈的抽筋現象,甚至死亡。諷刺的是,這些動物往往身上仍然爬滿了活生生的蝨子。
5. 寵物主人老是喜歡在我戴上聽診器時開始說話和問各種問題。經常都是這樣,幾乎沒有例外。想也知道,當你耳朵裡塞了聽診器的橡皮耳器時,根本聽不到別人在說甚麼。 (RD2012, 八月號, 54-55頁)
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