2011年7月23日 星期六


Reader’s Digest

There were two guys working for the township. One would dig a hole: dig, dig, dig. The other would come behind him and fill the hole: fill, fill, fill. These two men worked furiously, one digging a hole, the other filling it up again.
A man watching from the pavement couldn’t believe how hard these men were working, but also couldn’t understand what they were doing.
Finally he had to ask. He said to the hole digger, “I appreciate how hard you work, but what are you doing? You dig a hole and your partner comes along and fills it up again!”
The hole digger replied, “Yes. It must look funny. The guy who plants the trees is sick today.”  (RD2012, March, p.78)

笑 譚
挖洞的人回答說:「嗯,看起來是很好笑;那個負責種樹的傢伙今天請病假。」  (RD2012, 3月號, 78)

“Piems” are pi-inspired poems where the length of each word (in letters) represents a digit of pi. For example:
“How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics”
represents the number 3.14159265358979. Piems were developed to help people memorize the digits of pi, but now there are 10,000-word books of piems. “Pilish”, a variant of English, also follows the rule in short stories, puzzles, and plays.  (RD2012, March, p.68)

“How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics” 【註】
即代表3.14159265358979這個數值。當初創作π詩」的目的是要幫大家記住π裡面的每個數字;而到目前為止,已經有許多一萬字的「π詩」專書出現了。「π文」——由「英文」一字演變出來的——也是根據上述規則所寫的文章,作出短篇故事、猜謎遊戲、和戲劇。  (RD2012, 3月號, 68)

   Present Status of Fukushima Plant
On December 16, 2011, Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda announced that the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant had reached a cold shutdown state. Issues still remain regarding decontamination of affected areas, removal of rubble, and allowing evacuated residents to go home.
No Hyper Rescue workers remain on site. TEPCO employees work there, but the company does not discuss how many, or who they are.
Decommissioning Fukushima could take 40 years. Engineers will probably use much of the next decade trying to work out how to reach and remove fuel, which has partly eaten through its containment vessels.
Plans produced by the government and TEPCO say that as-yet uninvented technology will be key to safely disposing of the waste left behind by the world’s worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. A government panel has estimated the decommissioning work could cost at least 1.15 trillion yen (US$14.8billion).
Residents evacuated from a 20km-wide zone still cannot return. Only emergency workers are allowed in.   (RD2012, March, p.50)

日本政府和東京電力公司所提出的計劃中說,這個繼車諾比爾核災之後全世界最嚴重的意外事件,以目前的技術恐怕無法安全處理遺留的核廢料。據政府的一個小組估計,除役工作的費用可能至少要1.15兆日圓(約合148億美元)。方圓20公里之內被疏散的居民目前仍舊無法重返家園;只有緊急工作人員才能夠進入。  (RD2012, 3月號, 50)

   Enjoy a Piece of Pi
Global Pi Day celebrations on March 14 (to represent 3.14) often involve the baking, throwing and eating of pies – after their area and circumference have been calculated. If you miss out, July 22 (to represent 22/7) is Pi Approximation Day, so why not eat something approximating a pie – a pastie, sausage roll or Turkish pide, perhaps?  (RD2012, March, p.67)
每年的314是全世界公認的「π節」(因為圓周率π = 3.14);當天的慶祝活動通常包括烘(pie,與π同音)、丟、還有吃——在計算派的面積和周長之後。如果錯過了這一天,你可以在722慶祝「近似π節」(因為π的近似值 = 22/7);當天你可以考慮吃近似於派的東西——豬肉煎餅、臘肉煎餅、或土耳其披薩。  (RD2012, 3月號, 67)

At the clinic where I work, a couple in their senior years commented on how time had flown by, and that it was time once again to send out Christmas cards. The wife said, “I think we should cut down our card list.” The husband, however, was quick to reply: “We can’t do that, dear. Those friends we miss will think we’re dead.”  (RD2012, March, p.110)
笑 譚
在我上班的診所裡,有一對老夫妻正在感嘆時光飛逝,轉眼又是寄聖誕卡的時節了。老妻說:「我想我們應該縮減寄卡的名單。」但老夫立即回答說:「不行,親愛的。那些沒收到卡片的朋友會以為我們死了。」  (RD2012, 3月號, 110)

  1. The eyes – they see                 眼睛 會看
  2. Slot machine – cash lost in me        吃角子老虎 錢被我吞了
  3. Dormitory – dirty room              宿舍 髒房間
  4. A decimal point – I’m a dot in place    小數點 我是在適當位置的一點
  5. The earthquakes – that queer shake     地震 讓人暈眩的震動
  6. Presbyterian – best in prayer          長老教會教友 最會禱告
  7. Election results – Lies! Let’s recount    選舉結果 作弊! 重新驗票
         (RD2012, March, p.79)
列者)  (RD2012, 3月號, 79)

   Should You Eat The Whole Egg?
Eggs are dense little packages of excellent nutrition. They have good amounts of protein, and are quick to cook and relatively cheap. While it’s true the egg yolk contains all of the egg’s fat, it doesn’t mean you should switch to eating egg white omelets.
As well as all the fat, the yolk contains two-thirds of the egg’s protein. Plus it’s in the yolk where you’ll find the majority of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, nutrients like calcium, iron, zinc and foliate, as well as vitamins A and E.
In contrast, the egg white has small amounts of B vitamins and potassium, a measly one-third of the total protein, and that’s about it. So stick to eating the whole egg, and you’ll get all that goodness at once.  (RD2012, March, p.17)

相反的,蛋白只含有少量的維生素B群、鉀、以及三分之一的蛋白質,如此而已。因此蛋要整個吃,才能把所有好東西一次進肚。  (RD2012, 3月號, 17)

   But You Must Pay the Rent
Nobody likes coughing up rent. But at least these tenants gave their landlords creative reasons for avoiding it:
  1. “With my daughter’s graduation, our new boat, and our trip to Europe this year, we’re a little strapped.”
  2. “I’m getting real tired of paying this rent every month! You’ll have to wait a few more days.”
  3. “We’re a little short right now. But don’t worry – we’re getting a refund on my wife’s tattoo. The artist messed it up, and we’re getting back most of the bucks!”
  4. “I didn’t pay the rent because I’m saving up to move.”  (RD2012, February, p.10)
再怎麼說 房租還是得繳 
4.「我沒付房租,因為我要存一筆錢搬家。  (RD2012, 2月號, 10)

   Money Savvy
Dear Gabriel,
I wish people would stop asking stupid questions like ‘how do I save?’ because that’s easy enough – don’t spend more than you earn! I think the more pertinent question would be – how do I stop myself from buying things I don’t need. Got any ideas on that?  May, Philippines
Dear May, you have hit the nail on its head – most people purchase things out of impulse which advertising helps to sway in the first place. It could induce a certain sense of achievement or happiness at the point of purchase, but social studies have shown that this happiness dissipates very quickly.
Also, most people purchase things far more than the required quantity that they need. This leads to wastage. In modern advertising, the role is to sway customers away from one product to another to consume more. Ask yourself if the switching cost is worth it.
Actually, most things that make you happy for the longer term are free – a relaxed mind allowing you to take a walk in the park or woods, play a great game of soccer and a healthy body would make one happier for a much longer period of time.  (RD2012, February, p.134)


我希望人們不要再問些諸如「我如何才能存錢?」等笨問題,因為存錢太容易了——量入為出便是!我想比較適當的問題應該是︰「我如何自制,不買不需要的東西?」請問您有何看法?  菲律賓美伊 敬上
事實上,能讓你持久幸福的東西絕大多數是不用花錢的——放鬆心情漫步於公園或森林裡,或者痛快地踢一場足球——健康的身心會讓你幸福得更久。  (RD2012, 2月號, 134)

   Ask Aunty
Dear Aunty,
My friend works in a diner, and I often stop by to get a cup of coffee. Sometimes I bring work with me and end up staying after she finishes her shift. On a recent visit, I heard the manager disparage her after she left. I felt that I should defend her, but my instincts told me to back off. Was I wrong?  Concerned Friend
Dear Concerned,
Follow your instincts. I’m betting your friend needs her job, so doing anything that would make it harder for her to stay there serves no good purpose. People who speak unpleasantly behind other people’s backs are to be ignored.  (RD2012, February, p.133)
我的朋友在一家餐飲店工作,因此我經常進去喝杯咖啡。有時我會把工作帶去那邊做,結果經常待到她下班以後。最近一次去的時候,我聽到餐飲店的店長在她離開之後說她壞話。我當時覺得應該為她辯駁,但我的本能告訴我不可以。請問我錯了嗎?   關心的朋友  敬上
跟著你的本能走沒錯。我敢說你的朋友需要這份工作,因此做出任何可能讓她難以繼續留下來工作的事情是不智的。那個在背後說人壞話的傢伙根本不用理他。  (RD2012, 2月號, 133)

   Deep Roots
Someone who’s in la-la land is said to be in a dream-like state, detached from the everyday world. The term itself, though, is rooted in a real place Los Angeles (i.e., L.A.). La-la land was originally used to poke fun at the alleged eccentricities of Los Angelenos, and then it eventually expanded in meaning. Some also say it’s a nod to the nonsensical “la-la” lyrics often found in songs.  (RD2012, February, p.29)
一個人若處於一種夢幻的狀態,不食人間煙火,就被稱為住在「啦啦世界」。然而這個稱呼是源自於一個真實的地名:洛杉磯(L.A.)。最初,「啦啦世界」是用來揶揄洛杉磯人的疑似古怪行徑,後來慢慢轉變成目前的意思。不過有些人認為它與許多歌曲的歌詞裡的「啦啦」一樣,沒甚麼特別的意義。  (RD2012, 2月號, 29)

Q: What’s the Mexican president’s favorite book?
A: Tequila Mockingbird.  (RD2012, February, p.144)

  笑 譚
  答:《Tequila(墨西哥一地名) Mockingbird(反舌)》。  (RD2012, 2月號, 144)
【譯註】在英語地區,這是一則老笑話了;但對我們非英語地區的人,則不太容易意會——原來Tequila Mockingbird是一本名著《To Kill a Mockingbird(梅岡城故事)》的諧音。《梅岡城故事》的大致內容請看這裡:

Seeing her friend Sally wearing a new locket, Meg asked if there was a memento of some sort inside.
“Yes,” said Sally, “it’s a lock of my husband’s hair.”
“But Larry’s still alive,” Meg said.
“I know, but his hair is gone,” replied Sally.  (RD2012, February, p.144)
笑 譚
莎莉回答說:「我知道,但是他的頭髮掉光了。」  (RD2012, 2月號, 144)

